Are you overpaying for your office?

Wondering if you're overspending on office space?

Compare your office to others on the market and find out if you could cut costs.

Compare your office
Compare your office with Tally Workspace

Get an Instant Online Comparison

Full Market Review

When you enter your office space details we compare it to similar spaces in our database of over 3,500 office spaces across the UK.

Keep Up To Date

Our database is updated as new offices are added to the market and we work with all the largest office providers such as WeWork, FORA and Landmark.

Immediate Results

Using our comparison tool means you can quickly see whether you are getting a good deal.

How to check if you're getting the best office deal

You can get an instant online comparison of your office vs. over 3,500 office spaces on the market. Here's how:

  • Register for an account with Tally Workspace
  • Enter your current workspace details
  • Get an instant comparison vs other offices in the area
  • View details of similar offices (images, prices, facilities)
  • By creating an account you can always log back in again and check for any updated prices!

    Compare your office
    Example comparison account

    Ask a workspace expert

    Prefer to talk to someone? Our team of friendly workspace experts are on hand to help you make the best office space decisions for your company.

    Why should I check if I’m getting the best office deal?

    As COVID-19 office deals come to an end, office prices are changing, leaving many businesses asking if they’re overspending on office space.

    With Tally Workspace, you can find out if you’re overpaying for an office within minutes.

    We compare your current office to what’s available in the market, helping you understand potential savings and checking you’re not paying more than you should.

    Compare your office
    Getting the best office deal

    Create a free account to get started

    By creating an account with Tally Workspace you will have access to bespoke comparison data, as well as updated pricing each time you log in.

    Once registered, you'll be taken directly to our new tool where you can start comparing your office!


    What data does Tally Workspace need to compare my office?

    The more information you can provide, the more accurate your comparison becomes. To help you understand if you’re overpaying, we’ll need the following:

  • Current workspace (Office, Co-working, or Remote)
  • Location
  • Price
  • Number of days in the office
  • Notice period and lease expiry date
  • Who is this tool for?

    A common pain point for small businesses is knowing whether they’re getting the best deal on their office space.

    Although lots of ‘office space calculators’ exist to help with this, most provide estimates based on location and number of people using the office, and don’t use up-to-date data. Unlike traditional calculators, we offer real-time market insights for precise comparisons, helping you make informed decisions easily.